Making a (Power)Point of Not Being Tiresome

April 21, 2006

Making a (Power)Point of Not Being Tiresome – Los Angeles Times

PowerPoint is:

* Bullet Points 
* A Mysterious Jumble of Graphs and Charts

* Utter Boredom

But Cliff Atkinson, who runs a one-man, Los Angeles-based company called Sociable Media, wants to change all that.

Why Your Employees Are Losing Motivation

April 20, 2006

Why Your Employees Are Losing Motivation : HBS Working Knowledge

Business literature is packed with advice about worker motivation—but sometimes managers are the problem, not the inspiration. Here are seven practices to fire up the troops. From Harvard Management Update.

Writing a Compelling Executive Summary

April 2, 2006

Bona tempora volvantur–by Guy Kawasaki: The Art of the Executive Summary

By now, you’ve probably already read several articles, web pages—even books—about writing the perfect executive summary. Most of them offer a wealth of well-intended suggestions about all the stuff you need to include in the executive summary. They provide a helpful list of the forty-two critical items you should cover—any entrepreneur worth his or her salt should be able to address these points in less than 100 pages—and then they tell you to be concise.

Want job security? Learn business and management skills

April 2, 2006

Study: You can lower the odds of being outsourced – Computerworld

Based on interviews with 96 SIM members, all of them IT managers at firms ranging from small companies to multinational enterprises, the study found that business skills accounted for five of the 10 attributes organizations want from their in-house staffers over the next three years. The other five most-requested skills by CIOs include a mix of project management and technical skills, though the latter are still client-facing